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THE IN8 LIFE.Mahan’s journey of self-discovery in the realm of holistic wellness began in 1998 when she encountered Pranic healing and energy work, sparking her interest in meditation and understanding energy flow. Seeking balance in her life, she stumbled upon Bikram yoga in 2000, which became her sanctuary and counterbalance to the gym environment.

In 2001, Mahan’s insatiable quest for knowledge led her to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Remedial Massage. However, a fateful encounter with Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga marked a pivotal moment in her life, propelling her to Nepal, where she immersed himself in the rich tapestry of Hinduism, Buddhism, and natural medicine. For nearly a decade, she contributed to local communities by leading yoga retreats, establishing a massage school, and opening day spas, shifting her focus towards serving others and transforming herself. Life’s currents returned Mahan to her homeland, where she continued her healing journey, teaching yoga and contributing to teacher training programs both in Melbourne and the USA.

Mahan’s interests span a diverse spectrum, ranging from weight training to yin yoga, and from meditation to Kundalini yoga. She utilises the opportunities provided by technology to commit to ongoing growth and sharing what she learns with others.

Now, as a member of The IN8 Life community, Mahan eagerly shares her passion for health, thriving communities, and life itself, and is excited to connect with others on their shared journey toward vibrant well-being.

Book an Appointment Today

Contact The IN8 Life today to book an appointment. We can’t wait to meet you.


Mahan (Massage) | (03) 5298 1838